International Politics
APEC: History, Members, Goals and Achievements
APEC is a regional economic forum focused on promoting economic growth, prosperity and integration in the Asia-Pacific.
BRICS: History, Members, Initiatives and Summits
The BRICS is a diplomatic coalition that fosters cooperation among its members and operates collectively on the world stage.
Summary: Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
This book explains how the geographical features of the regions of the world influence their political decisions, military strategies and economic development.
Summary: Prisoners of Geography: Arctic
The melting of the ice caps in the Arctic has been enabling several economic activities, thus increasing the competition for the region’s resources.
Summary: Prisoners of Geography: Latin America
The geography of Latin America, coupled with the fact that many of its countries were colonized, continues to hinder the development of the region.
Summary: Prisoners of Geography: Korea and Japan
The Korean Peninsula is an unstable region, because North Korea’s actions worry its neighbors such as China, Japan and South Korea.
Summary: Prisoners of Geography: India and Pakistan
These countries were British colonies and turned into regional rivals after achieving independence.
Migration in Oceania: Trends and Statistics
Australia and New Zealand are primary destinations for migrants who come from various small and poor countries from Oceania.
Earth Summit: Background, Participants & Outcomes
The Earth Summit marked a milestone in global environmental policy by promoting the concept of sustainable development.